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What is Octocom?

Boost conversion rates with GPT-powered chatbots optimized for eCommerce. Instant 24/7 product explanations, comparisons, recommendations, upselling, and more.

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Octocom Features

Octocom's Core Features 24/7 instant supportConversational chatbotsMultilingual capabilitiesOmnichannel integrationFully customizable to match your brand

Octocom Use Cases

Octocom's Use Cases Customer Support: Octocom chatbots can automatically handle 90% of support tickets, decreasing costs and improving efficiency. They provide instant human-level support 24/7 and can handle order tracking, returns and refunds, and complaints handling. Shopping Consultant: Octocom makes it simpler for customers to purchase the right product. It offers personalized product recommendations, inquiries assistance, and comparisons, improving conversion rates. Intelligent Upselling: Octocom helps increase average order value by engaging customers with personalized messages triggered by specific actions, such as adding items to the cart, visiting product pages, abandoning carts, or completing orders.

Octocom Pricing Model & Details

Octocom Pricing Membership Plan $50/ mo
Added on 12/14/2023