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Whatsapp Business API

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What is Whatsapp Business API?

"Chatever Genuine Whatsapp Marketing Platform. Whatsapp Business API Service Provider In India. Provide AI-Powered whatsapp chatbot development services to businesses & government. Whatsapp Marketing & Business Automation through whatsapp."

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Whatsapp Business API Features

Whatsapp Business API's Core Features Bulk WhatsApp messaging without getting bannedWhatsApp Business API integrationAI-powered chatbotSeamless customer supportAutomation of customer retargeting efforts

Whatsapp Business API Use Cases

Whatsapp Business API's Use Cases Banking - 24/7 customer support, account management, fraud detection, loan applications, investment advice, credit card assistance, and financial education Government - Information dissemination, service delivery, citizen engagement, language translation, voter engagement, personalized recommendations, and customer service E-commerce - WhatsApp store, unlimited team members, live website chat, CRM integration, bulk contact importers, lead assignment, and automated notifications Real Estate - Property search, property information, real estate agent communication, virtual property tours, property management, sales and marketing, customer support Tourism - Destination information, travel planning, personalized recommendations, customer service, language translation, travel alerts, feedback and reviews Education - Personalized learning, instant communication, attendance tracking, homework help, parent-teacher communication, admission support, automated notifications Healthcare - Medical consultations, appointment scheduling, health monitoring, health education, medical records, mental health support, emergency support Beauty Saloon - Appointment booking, service information, personalized recommendations, reminders and notifications, feedback and reviews, customer service, upselling and cross-selling
Added on 12/14/2023