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What is Vizard?

An AI-powered video generator and editor that turns one long video into 10+ clips instantly. Try it forever free.

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Vizard Product Overview is an AI-powered video generator designed to simplify the video creation process for marketers, creators, podcasters, coaches, consultants, and agencies. The platform specializes in repurposing long videos into short, social-ready clips with just one click. Users can upload their videos, and Vizard’s proprietary AI will transcribe and process the content. The AI clipping feature identifies the most engaging parts of the video and generates multiple clips, saving users hours of manual editing. The platform also offers a full suite of video editing tools, including subtitle addition, image insertion, and text overlay. Once the clips are generated, they can be downloaded, shared as links, or directly published from Vizard, making it a comprehensive solution for video content creation and distribution.

Vizard Highlights

  • is an AI-powered tool that offers a set of easy-to-use and cutting-edge tools.
  • It provides 200+ AI tools for various use cases.
  •'s assistant is an all-in-one writing tool that will help you write faster, better while boosting your productivity more than 10-fold.

Vizard Features

  • AI Podcast Clip Generator / AI Video Editor / AI Video Generator: offers a range of services to users, including automatic video editing, automatic dubbing, and simplified meeting recording.
  • Add Subtitles to Video / Bulk Content Writing / Customize your podcast clips / Edit subtitle / Multi-Language / No downloads / Online editor / Podcasts / Transcribe audio into text / Transcription / Video Editing Tool / Web-based: has a full suite of video editing tools, including subtitle addition, image insertion, and text overlay.

Vizard Use Cases

  • is designed to revolutionize your video editing tasks.
  • It empowers users to effortlessly create a wide range of content.
  • Craft captivating video clips that resonate with your target audience.

Vizard Pricing Model & Details offers several pricing tiers:

  • Free: Ideal for individuals who need quick access to basic features.
  • Creator: $30 per month.
  • Pro: $60 per month.
  • Custom: Build to fit your needs.

Top Vizard Alternatives

Here are some alternative products to

  • Visla
  • Dora AI
  • Video SDK
  • Capsule Video
  • Captions
  • Type Studio
Added on 11/28/2023