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What is unbounce?

Grow your relevance, leads, and sales with Unbounce. Use Unbounce to easily create and optimize landing pages for your small business and boost conversions with AI insights.

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unbounce Features

Unbounce offers a range of essential features, including a landing page builder equipped with intelligent capabilities, popups and sticky bars to attract attention, apps and integrations for added functionality, AI-powered copywriting for diverse marketing objectives, AI optimization to guide visitors to the most effective landing pages, and industry-specific templates for rapid deployment.

unbounce Use Cases

Unbounce offers a variety of use cases for different types of businesses. For ecommerce businesses, Unbounce helps create landing pages that are optimized for selling products and services. It also allows for integration with ecommerce tools to showcase products and accept payments directly on the page. For SaaS companies, Unbounce supports lead collection and signups through form-based landing pages. Marketing agencies can benefit from Unbounce by creating customizable landing page templates and launching high-converting campaigns at scale. Small businesses can use Unbounce to create landing pages and marketing campaigns without the need for additional resources. B2B marketers can promote their businesses effectively by creating landing pages tailored to targeted audiences and aligning them with email campaigns, search ads, and social media. Professional service providers can generate leads, capture signups, and increase their online visibility through landing pages and marketing campaigns with Unbounce.

unbounce Pricing Model & Details

Essential plan of Unbounce is available at a monthly cost of $9.
Added on 11/27/2023