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Slatebox: Text-To-Mindmaps and More

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What is Slatebox: Text-To-Mindmaps and More?

Slatebox is a visual collaboration platform with AI superpowers.

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Slatebox: Text-To-Mindmaps and More Features

Slatebox: Text-To-Mindmaps and More's Core Features Auto-generate visualizations from natural language promptsReal-time, multi-cursor collaborative canvasesIntegration with tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and GitHubAPI integration (coming soon)Generate magic links for instant visualization sharing

Slatebox: Text-To-Mindmaps and More Use Cases

Slatebox: Text-To-Mindmaps and More's Use Cases Mind-mapping SWOT analysis Pro-Con analysis Kanban Boards Retrospectives Daily Standups Design Sessions Wireframing

Slatebox: Text-To-Mindmaps and More Pricing Model & Details

Slatebox: Text-To-Mindmaps and More Pricing PRO $6 per month
Added on 12/14/2023