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What is Sentelo?

Transform your learning journey with just one click! Sentelo - solution for students tired of endless reading & writing. Use this intuitive Chrome extension to quickly summarize, paraphrase or explain any text. Get instant answers to any questions you have!

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Sentelo Features

Sentelo's Core Features Access to fast and reliable information retrievalGPT-powered writing assistance for generating ideas and elaborating on themControl questions to check understanding of topicsExplain to a Child function for intuitive understandingChapter compression for summarizing contentGive an Example function for real-world examplesPersonalization of Sentelo's prompts

Sentelo Use Cases

Sentelo's Use Cases Boosting creativity by generating additional writing ideas Enhancing learning and understanding of complex topics Efficiently summarizing chapters and taking notes Exploring real-world examples to further knowledge and comprehension
Added on 12/14/2023