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Keyword Insights

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What is Keyword Insights?

Keyword insights utilise Geo-specific, live search engine result pages data to cluster keywords into similar groups while also working out their search intent. The output will save you hundreds of hours from your keyword research process.

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Keyword Insights Features

Keyword Insights's Core Features Keyword Discovery: Input a single keyword and generate hundreds of relevant keywords.Keyword Clustering: Group keywords with the same intent together.Search Intent (Context): Quickly identify the search intent behind keywords at scale.Content Briefs: Outline comprehensive content briefs quickly using AI.SERP Explorer: Analyze search engine results pages (SERPs) for insights and similarities.SERP Similarity: Compare SERPs to identify similarities and trends.

Keyword Insights Use Cases

Keyword Insights's Use Cases Identify content gaps in your SEO strategy Create new content strategies Identify keyword cannibalization on your website Accurately predict the true search intent behind each keyword Build topic clusters for improved internal linking Generate AI-assisted content briefs Boost revenue and organic traffic through content optimization

Keyword Insights Pricing Model & Details

Keyword Insights Pricing Basic $49 /per month Professional $99 /per month Premium $299 /per month Agency $599 /per month
Added on 12/13/2023