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What is Granica?

Drastically decrease expenses related to storing and retrieving data for AI training.

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Granica Product Overview is an AI efficiency platform that reduces the cost to store and access data while preserving its privacy to unlock it for training. It is developer-first, petabyte-scale, and AWS/GCP-native. Granica makes AI pipelines more efficient, privacy-preserving, and more performant. Efficiency is a new layer in the AI stack.

Granica Highlights

  • AI Efficiency: emerged from stealth and introduced a new AI efficiency platform, bringing novel, fundamental research in data-centric AI to the commercial market as an enterprise solution.
  • Cost Reduction: Granica physically reduces the size and cost of petabyte-scale AI training data in cloud object stores by up to 80% using novel compression and deduplication algorithms.
  • Data Privacy: Granica also preserves the privacy of sensitive information in object data, enabling its safe use in AI and analytics while improving data security posture.

Granica Features

  • Data Reduction: Granica offers Crunch for efficient data processing.
  • Data Detection: Screen for powerful data detection capabilities.
  • Byte-Granular Data Reduction: A standout feature, this technology reduces data storage and transfer costs by up to 80% through specialized compression algorithms optimized for Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage.

Granica Use Cases's first game-changing use case starts with AI data efficiency for cloud object stores – including Amazon S3 and GCS (with Azure Blob coming soon) – that have become the dominant cloud storage medium with their inherent API accessibility and scale-out capabilities at relatively low cost. Granica is building this efficiency layer across the AI stack.

Granica Pricing Model & Details

Granica’s pricing model is new to the AI industry and provides the ultimate customer-centric solution. Benefits include: Pay only for value received. No financial risk to try or to expand usage.

Added on 08/27/2023