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What is GabbyGPT?

Meet GabbyGPT on WhatsApp: Your British AI friend. Voice chat to discover the young generation's trends, explore new subjects, and enjoy a good chinwag. No reading or typing required!

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GabbyGPT Features

GabbyGPT's Core Features AI-powered voice assistant for WhatsAppConvenient interaction with ChatGPT through voice messagesOption to ask questions and engage in conversationsReceive voice responses to queriesDesigned for seniors

GabbyGPT Use Cases

GabbyGPT's Use Cases Intellectual Debates Easing Loneliness Understanding the Grandkids' World Cognitive Boost Learn History Learning Complex Topics

GabbyGPT Pricing Model & Details

GabbyGPT Pricing Pro $2.90/MO Royal $6.90/MO
Added on 12/14/2023