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Credal is the safe way to use AI. Our Chat UI, Slackbot, and API masks sensitive info, audit logs interactions, and ensures AI can only use context from the company data that the user already has access to, when answering their query.
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0.0%Credal is an AI-powered platform that focuses on data security in the artificial intelligence industry. It offers services that protect sensitive data across all AI applications, ensuring that business secrets or protected data are not compromised. Its main offerings include secure chat, security questionnaires, API gateway, and AI security guides.
Credal can be used to build general knowledge or domain-specific, AI-powered chatbots for a range of use cases. For example, a company could tap Credal to create a bot that answers security questions about software that the company licenses, drawing on the latest documentation.
Credal offers a free tier and two paid tiers:
Here are some of the top AI tools available today that are considered as alternatives to Credal: