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What is ChatUML?

ChatUML is an AI copilot to help working with diagram in a more fun and interactive way. It's an effortless way to transform your idea to diagrams in no time!

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ChatUML Product Overview

ChatUML is an AI-assisted diagram editor that helps you create and edit your UML diagrams effortlessly. It allows you to transform your ideas into diagrams quickly.

ChatUML Highlights

  • ChatUML is an AI copilot that helps you work with diagrams in a fun and interactive way.
  • It allows you to effortlessly transform your ideas into diagrams quickly.
  • ChatUML supports videos in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Italian, Dutch, and Hebrew.

ChatUML Features

  • AI Copilot for Diagram Creation: ChatUML is an AI copilot that helps you work with diagrams.
  • Interactive Chat Interface: It provides an interactive chat interface for effortless idea-to-diagram transformation.
  • Advanced Drawing Tools: The software is packed with advanced features such as advanced drawing tools, unrivaled text and table formatting options, automatic layouts, import and export to various image formats (PDF, SVG, JPEG, BMP, etc.), smart shapes and connectors.

ChatUML Use Cases

  • Software Architecture Design: ChatUML can be used for software architecture design.
  • Business Process Modeling: It can be used for business process modeling.
  • Flowchart Creation: ChatUML can be used for flowchart creation.
  • Data Flow Diagramming: It can be used for data flow diagramming.
  • UML Diagram Creation: ChatUML can be used for UML diagram creation.

ChatUML Pricing Model & Details

ChatUML provides a Website, Free Trial, Paid. The pricing for ChatUML starts at $1.99.

Top ChatUML Alternatives

  • INK, Hints, and Laxis: AI Meeting Assistant are the best alternatives to ChatUML.
  • Miro, Minitab Workspace, Venngage, MyDraw are also popular alternatives and competitors to ChatUML.
Added on 12/13/2023