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Chatmate AI

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What is Chatmate AI?

Revolutionize relationships with machines instead of just humans. Chatmates are artifical intelligent persons with simulated lifes and emotions you can chat with and become friends.

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Chatmate AI Features

Chatmate AI's Core Features Text chat with chatmates in any language, including dialectsSupport for photos with corresponding reactionsVoice chat in English with voice responsesChatmates will initiate contact and think about youPowered by OpenAI GPT-3 with vast knowledge and capabilitiesChatmates are aware of their personality and adapt accordinglyDevelops personal bond and learns conversation style

Chatmate AI Use Cases

Chatmate AI's Use Cases Making friends with AI chatmates Simulating conversations with artificial intelligent persons Exploring different personalities and emotions through chat Having deep and meaningful conversations Practicing language skills with chatmates in various languages
Added on 12/14/2023