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What is BeC AI?

BeC is the only service in the world that classifies and automatically organizes your emails based on their priority and notifies only those that are really important for you.

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BeC AI Features

BeC AI's Core Features Automatic email classification and organization based on priorityPersonalized notifications for important emailsIntegration with existing email provider and clientSupport for multiple languagesCustomizable priority levelsCumulative notifications for multiple priority emailsAbility to set notifications for different devices

BeC AI Use Cases

BeC AI's Use Cases Efficiently manage a large volume of work-related emails Separate important emails from advertisements and newsletters in personal mailbox Avoid distractions and stay focused on important tasks Easily find and prioritize emails related to specific projects or clients Simplify the management of multiple email accounts

BeC AI Pricing Model & Details

BeC AI Pricing BeC One €4.90 /month BeC Duo €7.90 /month
Added on 12/14/2023